This procedure applies to any employee of Hull City Council involved in delivering any stage of the Blue Badge Scheme.


Blue Badge Parking Scheme Policy.

1. Principles

The aim of the Blue Badge Scheme is to help disabled people with severe mobility problems to access goods and services by enabling them to park close to their destination. The scheme is open to eligible disabled people irrespective of whether they are travelling as a driver or a passenger.

The scheme provides a national range of on-street parking concessions to blue badge holders. It allows them to park without charge or time limit in some otherwise restricted on-street parking locations and allows them to park on yellow lines for up to three hours unless a loading ban is in place. It does not confer any automatic concessions in off street parking facilities.

2. Procedural Steps

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1. There are a number of routes into the blue badge assessment process and a number of different people who will carry out assessments. These are set out below:
  • When a person contacts Hull City Council for the first time to request a blue car badge and is not in receipt of community care services, an appointment for initial assessment should be made at a Customer Service Centre at a mutually convenient time;
Customer Service Advisor
  • If the person is in receipt of community care services, they should be referred to the Long Term Support Team who complete the application with them by telephone and, if eligible, will arrange an appointment for them either to attend at the Long Term Support Team Office.  In exceptional circumstances, a home visit can be arranged;
Long Term Support Team Service Support Staff
  • Online applications received via the website will be received by the Blue Badge Co-ordinator who will forward them to the Long Term Support Team for assessment;
Blue Badge Co-ordinator / Long Term Support Team Service Support
  • Requests for badges in respect of children should follow the procedure for children’s service;
Children and Families Service
  • Requests for badges for organisations should be referred to the Long Term Support Team Manager for the area in which the organisation is based;
Long Term Support Team Operational Manager
  • A renewal letter will be sent approx. 6 weeks before badge expires and then telephone contact made to carry out the assessment.
Long Term Support Team Service Support
2. If a person is living with a terminal illness and issued with a SR1 form, they are automatically eligible for a blue badge which will be issued without delay. Long Term Support Team Service Support
3. For all other cases, the correct Initial Assessment Form should be completed electronically with the person, depending on whether they are applying for a badge for an adult, a child or an organisation. Assessor
4. The assessment form will score each answer and indicate one of three outcomes:
  • The person will be found to be eligible without further assessment;
  • The person will be found to be ineligible for a blue badge;
  • The person will be offered an Independent Mobility Assessment.
5. The outcome should be explained to the person and they should be asked if they want written confirmation of this. If they do, the relevant standard letter should be printed there and then. Assessor
6. If the person is eligible without further assessment, the following steps should be taken:
  • Take digital passport photograph;
  • Receive fee for issue of a blue badge – currently £10;
  • Print off the declaration page on the application form and ask the person to sign it;
  • Save the document in the person’s record;
  • Order the badge;
  • Record the application on Liquidlogic, creating a new record if necessary.

Explain the outcome to the person and that their blue badge will arrive within 10 working days.

7. If the person is not eligible, explain the outcome of the assessment and how they do not meet the criteria. Explain their right of appeal. Assessor
8. If the person needs an Independent Mobility Assessment to establish whether or not they are entitled to a badge, inform them of this and refer via email to the Occupational Therapy Service at the Disability Team:
  • Take the digital passport photograph;
  • Print off the declaration page on the application form and ask the person to sign it.
9. Contact the person within 7 days to arrange the Independent Mobility Assessment. Independent Mobility Assessor
10. Carry out the Independent Mobility Assessment and inform the person of the outcome. Ask if they would like this to be confirmed in writing. If the outcome is that they are not eligible, explain in what way they do not meet the criteria. Explain their right of appeal. Independent Mobility Assessor
11. If the outcome of the assessment is that the person is eligible for a badge, explain this to the person and that their badge will arrive within 10 working days. Pass the details to the Blue Badge Co-ordinator. Independent Mobility Assessor
12. Upon receipt of the notification of eligibility, the following steps should be taken:
  • Receive fee for issue of a blue badge – currently £10
  • Save the document in the person’s record;
  • Order the badge;
  • Record the application on Liquidlogic, creating a new record if necessary.
Blue Badge Co-ordinator
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