Illness Period of Exclusion
Chickenpox Until all blisters / spots are dry
Conjunctivitis Until discharge stops
Diarrhoea and vomiting 48 hours after symptoms cease
Erythema infectiosum (slapped cheek)  Until clinically well
Gastroenteritis (including
and shigellosis)
48 hours after symptoms cease
Glandular fever Until clinically well
Giardiasis 48 hours after symptoms cease
Hand, foot and mouth
Until open lesions are healed
Head lice  Exclude until treated
Hepatitis A One week after onset of jaundice
Impetigo Until skin has healed or 48 hours after
treatment started
Influenza Until recovered
Measles Until four days after the appearance of rash
Meningitis Until clinically well
Mumps Four days from onset of rash
1. Tinea capitis (head)
2. Tinea corporis (body)
3. Tinea pedis (athletes foot)
Exclusion is not necessary unless an outbreak
is suspected
Rubella (German measles) Four days from onset of rash
Scabies Until day after treatment
Streptococcal throat and
scarlet fever
48 hours after start of antibiotics
Shingles Six days from the onset of rash or until all
lesions are dry
Tuberculosis If sputum smear positive, exclude until cleared
by TB clinic
Threadworm None but must be treated
Typhoid fever Seek advice from Health Protection Team
Verrucae (plantar warts) None, but cover warts with waterproof dressing
for any barefoot activities
Whooping cough Until clinically well but check with Health Protection Team


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