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Everyone who has been assessed as eligible for long term care funded by the local authority must have a care and support plan. This must be led by the person and developed in partnership between them, their carer/s and the local authority, and should set out how the person’s wellbeing will be promoted and their assessed needs met within their resource allocation, whether that is taken as a managed budget or a direct payment.

1. Principles

Outcome focused support planning is a central feature of promoting wellbeing. Effective outcome focused support planning seeks to promote people’s independence, health and wellbeing, while at the same time giving them more choice and control over the support they receive.

The outcome focused care and support plan should be prepared by the person wherever possible, with assistance where required or requested. Even if it is not possible for the person to prepare their own outcome focused care and support plan, their views should guide the preparation of the outcome focused care and support plan as much as possible. It is important that the needs of carers are also addressed.

Outcome focused support planning needs to ensure that a person’s safety is not put at risk through services or delays in providing services, and the planning process should consider how to enable them to manage risks appropriately.

At no stage will the outcome focused support planning process affect the Council’s statutory duty to assess and safeguard vulnerable adults or children. Any safeguarding concerns relating to adults should be referred to the safeguarding adults team. For concerns relating to children, the Hull Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures should be followed.

2. Procedural Steps

Step Action By Whom
1. The preferred option will be for individuals to complete their own outcome focused care and support plan, with help from carers, family or friends if that is what they want. If the person requests support from social work staff, these may facilitate the outcome focused support planning process in a range of ways, from one to one help up to convening a multi-agency planning meeting. Social Worker/ social work assistant occupational therapist/ sensory impairment worker
2. The outcome focused care and support plan must work within the indicative budget allocation set out during the Resource Allocation System (RAS) process. Social Worker/ social work assistant occupational therapist/ sensory impairment worker
3. The recommended content of an outcome focused care and support plan, derived from In Control criteria and directed by the Care Act 2014 is as follows:
  • What is important to you?
  • What do you want to change or achieve?
  • How will you be supported?
  • How will you use your individual personal budget?
  • How will your support be managed?
  • How will you stay in control of your life?
  • What is your action plan?
Social Worker/ social work assistant occupational therapist/ sensory impairment worker
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