The Care Act 2014 sets out the context for all work health and social care organisations carry out with vulnerable people. It provides the overarching principle that the promotion of the person’s wellbeing must be at the heart of everything. This chapter sets out the context for all procedures and contains the overarching principles and values underpinning the provision of all our adult social care services.
1. The Overarching Principle of Wellbeing
It is critical to the vision in the Care Act 2014 that Local Authorities actively promote wellbeing, rather than waiting to respond in a crisis. Promoting wellbeing means actively seeking improvements and in order to do this, we must actively promote:
- Personal dignity;
- Physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing;
- Protection from abuse and neglect;
- Control by the person over their day to day life;
- Participation in work, education, training and recreation;
- Social and economic well being;
- Domestic, family and personal relationships;
- Suitability of living accommodation;
- The person’s contribution to society.
There is no hierarchy, but there is a recognition that different aspects of wellbeing are more important than others to different people and this should be taken into account.
2. The Eight Key Principles
In addition to the wellbeing principle, there are eight other key principles which run through the Act. These are:
- Assuming the person is best place to judge their own needs;
- Taking full account of the person’s wishes, feelings and needs;
- Preventing or delaying the development of needs and reducing those that exist;
- Ensuring decisions are made which have regard to all the person’s circumstances and not making assumptions;
- The person should participate as fully as possible;
- Achieving a balance between the person’s wellbeing and that of their carers;
- Protecting adults from abuse and neglect, and alerting children’s services when a child appears at risk of abuse or neglect;
- Making sure that any restriction on the person’s rights or freedoms is kept to the minimum necessary.
3. Underlying Values / Beliefs
In order to meet the requirements of the Care Act 2014, Hull City Council requires that all of our staff and everyone who provides services on our behalf must act in accordance with our underlying values and beliefs. These are:
- Every person’s dignity and autonomy will be respected and their wellbeing and independence promoted;
- The person is at the centre of the planning and delivery of our services and they (along with their carers and representatives) will be given as much control as possible;
- We will continue to adopt a strong preventative approach through advice, information, early intervention and the provision of enabling services to support people to live independently within their community for as long as possible;
- Services will be provided in a fair, transparent and consistent way irrespective of an person’s race, gender / gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, or other status;
- All people will be considered capable of making their own decisions unless it is proved otherwise – (see Mental Capacity Act 2005);
- People will be empowered so that they can make informed choices over their health, care and quality of life, and take as much control as they wish over the services they receive and the way they are delivered;
- People and their carers will influence and shape the services offered by the council through meaningful involvement on a regular basis;
- People and their carers have the right to take positive risks and make mistakes;
- Where safeguarding is a concern, we will take proportionate and timely action to protect both adults and children;
- We will support and develop all our staff to ensure they have the skills to fulfil their role;
- We will work with all partners to ensure support and care is well coordinated and meets the person’s assessed needs and expressed wishes.
4. Hull City Council’s Aims and Objectives
The Community Strategy for 2023 – 2032 is the overarching vision for Hull. This is in development and is scheduled for publication late in November 2023 (once approved by Councillors).
The strategy contains six priorities and three ambitions for the next 10 years.
The six ambitions are:
- Safe and welcoming neighbourhoods;
- A healthier and fairer Hull;
- Reaching our potential;
- Economic growth that works for all;
- Responding to the climate and nature emergency; and,
- Our culture, our heritage, our city.
The three commitments are:
- Engagement of all residents and communities;
- Strong, united leadership committed to improving outcomes; and,
- A focus on inclusion.