This procedure sets out the process to be followed when a person is admitted to long-term residential care.
1. Principles
Whenever a person is admitted to residential care, the following principles will apply:
- A full needs assessment and assessment of daily living skills will have been completed and have identified that residential care is the most appropriate way of meeting the person’s needs;
- The home must be confident that it can meet all of the care and support needs identified in the assessment;
- Every person should be viewed as an individual, taking into account cultural and gender issues in all aspects of care provided. In deciding upon a possible offer placement, discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated;
- Recognise that people may find the process of finding and moving into a new home traumatic, confusing and unsettling and therefore there is a need for staff to be supportive, sensitive and understanding throughout the process;
- Prior to any move being made, the person should have sufficient information so they can make an informed choice regarding the home. This should include an information / guide for residents;
- The preferred way to identify and decide on the best residential care for person is to arrange an introductory visits and a trial admission period.
2. Procedural Steps
Step | Action | By Whom |
1. | The social worker will submit a referral which will include a comprehensive needs assessment (including daily living skills, disabilities, relevant life history etc) and the person’s support plan. Referrals should be made passed to the Registered Manager or deputy for consideration against the home’s eligibility criteria. If the person is believed to lack mental capacity to decide whether or not to enter residential care, an assessment of capacity should be made (see Assessing Mental Capacity: Guidance). If the person does not have mental capacity, the admission must be shown to be their best interests (see also Mental Capacity Act 2005: Guidance for Best Interests Meetings). | Social worker |
2. | If the Registered Manager believes the residential home will be able to meet the needs of the person, a 24 hour introductory visit will be offered. Such a visit should, wherever possible, include the following:
Registered Manager / deputy |
3. | The person or their carer should be offered a chance to discuss with senior staff at the home exactly how the home will be able to meet their needs. A keyworker should be identified and the person given the opportunity to discuss their needs and preferences with them. | Registered Manager / deputy |
4. | The person and their carer should be told about the kind of records / information which will kept about them, and the home’s policy on confidentiality and the safe storage of information should be provided / explained. A photograph of the person should be taken. | Registered Manager / deputy |
5. | If the introductory visit goes well, the person should be offered a six week trial placement to make sure the home can meet their needs and that they are happy with that choice. They will be provided with a contract which will specify which room they will occupy, the charges which will apply and any additional costs they will need to meet such as toiletries, hairdressing, chiropody. Their cash and valuables should be listed on a SSD13 form and details of their safekeeping agreed. If they have no cash or valuables, a nil return should be completed. Their clothing and other possessions should be listed separately. | Registered Manager / deputy |
6. | The person’s weight at admission should be checked and any dietary requirements listed and passed to the cook. | Registered Manager / deputy |
7. | Any religious or cultural needs should be noted, together with details of how these should be met. | Registered Manager / deputy |
8. | The person’s name should be added to the fire book and bed state SSD504 and the admission form completed. | Registered Manager / deputy |
9. | Details of the person’s G.P. should be taken and consideration given to whether temporary registration with a local G.P. is needed. | Registered Manager / deputy |
10. | Any medication should be booked in following the medication procedure. | Registered Manager / deputy |
11. | A case file should be opened for the person (see Case Recording Principles Procedure) and Liquidlogic updated. | Registered Manager / deputy |
12. | The trial placement will be followed by a Case Review with all interested parties attending. The choice of keyworker will be confirmed, or will be changed if the person requests this. | Registered Manager / deputy |
13. | A support plan will be prepared in consultation with the person, their relatives and carers and other health and social care professionals. This should be person-centred and identify what is important to the person as well as what is important for them and specify how services are to be delivered to meet the person’s wishes and needs.. This will be a live document which will evolve and change over time. | Keyworker / Registered Manager / deputy |
14. | Following completion of the six week trial period, if the person wishes to live in the residential home permanently and the Registered Manager believes the home can meet their needs, an offer of permanent admission should be made in writing in the form of a contract which specifies which room they will occupy, the charges which will apply and any additional costs they will need to meet such as toiletries, hairdressing, chiropody. | Registered Manager / deputy |
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