1. Policy

The service is committed towards working with volunteers whenever possible and appropriate. Volunteers are an asset to the service, to people who need care and support and staff. Under the guidance of employed staff, volunteers can provide additional support to people who use our services.. The service is committed to ensuring that volunteers work within their agreed role description, and are not required to undertake tasks or activities outside of their area of responsibility.

2. Procedural Steps

Step Action By Whom
1. Potential volunteers will be subjected to a recruitment process which includes: receiving a job description and basic person specification and completing an application form. If successful, shortlisted volunteers will be interviewed, and if appointed to a volunteering role, references and Disclosure and Barring Service / DBS checks will be undertaken. Team manager and other designated staff
2. On commencement of volunteering at the service, the volunteer will be allocated a designated member of staff to undertake induction, arrange training and undertake supervision. Designated member of staff
3. Induction will include ensuring the volunteer has a clear understanding of the roles and tasks they are to undertake. Designated member of staff
4. In addition to the usual issues discussed in supervision, sessions should also include discussion about what the volunteer hopes to achieve in their work with the service. The designated member of staff should work with them to help them achieve their goals. Designated member of staff
5. Other staff should also be aware of what the volunteer can, and cannot, do within their role description. Designated member of staff
6. The volunteer will undergo an induction programme which includes relevant training reading and understanding the procedures of the service, in particular adult safeguarding, confidentiality, whistleblowing and fire safety. Designated member of staff
7. A record of induction, supervision sessions, and induction training achieved should be documented in the volunteer’s personal file. Designated member of staff
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Reading Confirmation
  • This form allows Adult Social Care staff to confirm they have read chapters in this APPP. This can be useful for newly employed staff as part of their induction, supervision, CPD and for team discussions for example.

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